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Sexy, nude Sophie Reade wallpapers - page 1

Sophie Reade wallpaper, sexy and curvy glamour lingerie model and erotic party host hd wallpapers and pictures gallery. Sophie Victoria Reade (born May 18, 1989) is a glamour model from Nantwich, Cheshire and was the winner of the series. She changed her name by deed poll to Dogface in order to become a housemate. On Day 33, Big Brother told Dogface that she had to remain silent until 2 a.m. as punishment for discussing nominations. She failed to keep quiet and therefore faced the public vote. Dogface had a romantic relationship with Kris in the House. On Day 39, she and Siavash were punished for talking about nominations by Big Brother who told them they were not allowed to swear before 3 p.m. They both failed and faced eviction. On Day 72 as a special prize, Halfwit and Dogface legally changed their names back to Freddie and Sophie. Since Day 88, Sophie was the Bookies favourite to win. Sophie was announced the winner of the show on the 4th of September with 74.4% of the final vote.

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